This picture is from when Rylee was3 months old. It seems like just yesterday we were taking these pictures.

But, it’s not…In fact, tomorrow my baby will be 2 years old. It’s hard to believe that 2 years have flew by. My little baby is growing up.
Some things that makes me so proud of her are…
She takes her enzymes 4 at a time, whole, without applesauce.
She can hold her own nebulizer during her treatments
She can count to 10
She can spell her name back to me
She sits for 30 mins. 2 times a day to do her treatments without complaining other then a little fuss before we hook her up.
She helps feed Miles his bottle.
She can do an 8 piece puzzle.
She is talking more every day
And while all of this makes me soooo happy that she is growing up and learning and absorbing things, it makes me sad. Tomorrow she will be two. For two years she has been living with Cystic Fibrosis. She has been living with a life shortening disease that does not have a cure. She spent 1 hour every day for 2 years doing treatments. 2 years of taking enzymes with everything she eats. 2 years of taking vitamins, miralax, allergy meds, acid reflux meds, and antibiotics.
she has spent 2 winters secluded to our house so that she does not get exposed to the nasty germs of the flu, colds, or any other illnesses. She has spent 2 summers running like crazy in hopes of soaking in as much sun and summer fun as we can get into 3 short months.
I can only hope that for her birthday someday she gets the wish we all hope for for her. The wish that she will someday be asking for as she blows out her candles on her cake with her CF lungs. The wish for a cure. The wish that all people – both children and adults – that are living with CF will be able to breathe easy, to enjoy every minute of the year, to not be stuck inside during cold and flu season, to not be sick, to not have to worry.
To not have to worry about tomorrow.
To not have to worry.
On my babies 2nd birthday, while she is blowing out her candles, eating her cake, and opening her presents with friends and family, pray with us that someday, on the 28th of August, that she will be able to blow out her candles without CF and that she will have gotten her wish and my wish. No more CF.
Thank you so much and HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLEE