Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Book Review – Little Star
Little Star is a charming little story about the true meaning of Christmas. While the story line is close to the real story of the Christmas story, it's not exact, however this story does make it relateable to real life for children.
The first thing I always notice when reading childrens books, are the illustrations. The pictures in Little star are semi-real life, however still cartoonish enough to keep the attention of little ones. The illustrator uses dark hues and tones, but with the addition of the yellow star, the mood is brightened.
The story line itself is very easy to follow and my 2 year old enjoyed this book and was attentive for the most part. Older children will be able to relate the story in a more mature manner, however it was still interesting enough for a young child. I like how the end of the story ties the little star to the star on the top of a Christmas Tree, giving a real life connection for the children listening.
Overall, this book will make a good addition to your Christmas book collection and leads for some great discussions about the True Meaning of the Season.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Holidays
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
We met with the scheduler to try and find a date to do the procedures. Well, the only day before the end of the year, was Monday. So we took it, and my little precious baby went under the knife on Monday afternoon. She did really well and they removed her adenoids as they were very very infected and also put the tubes in the ears. She recovered very well and by today was completely back to normal.....naughtiness and all.
Hopefully this will solve our ear infection issues and keep us off of antibiotics for a little longer. I am also hoping that by removing the infected adenoids that we will get rid of these nasty green drippings from her nose. TMI - :)
So now on to our new adventure - Rylee's friend Haven is going to start coming over a couple of days a week, and Miles will be dropping down to one day a week as his mommy started working a different schedule and now gets to spend more time with her baby boy! Rylee will love having her friend around more. Her mommy may be crazy - 3 two year olds is just plum crazy! but we love it and so on to our next adventure. :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
nervous nellie
Normally we just have appointments with our CF team to check Rylee over and make sure she is doing well. These aren't ever too stressful until we have to wait for her throat culture to come back. Then we are always very nervous about what she is growing inside her little 2 year old body. We also worry about her weight during these visits and if her lungs sound good and clear or not.
Today's visit is a little different. Let's backtrack to right before Halloween. Rylee was experiencing so major allergy symptoms. Runny nose, congestion, coughing...all brought on after a trip to our local pumpkin patch which just happens to be located in the middle of a soybean field. The last trip out there, they were combining the field and dust was flying. We quick picked our pumpkins and went on our merry way only to wake up that night to a stuffy congested coughing little girl. We had a routine appointment with our CF team and we all concurred that this was probably allergies......until we looked in her ears. Full blown double ear infection. This is the first ear infection in over a year - She had only had 2 ear infections in her 2 years of life. So on antibiotics we went - Bactrim for 10 days.
Fastforward to the end of the 10 days - right before Halloween. We were happy and all cleared up. We trick or treated, played and all was well - until 2 weeks later. She again woke up with a snotty, stuffy, congested cough and we thought man, I figured these allergies were gone. We waited a few days, giving her a chance to clear this on her own. Nope, down it traveled to her chest. We had a little weezing, lots of coughing, and lots of mucous (TMI I know) So back to the doctor for what we thought was a chest cold. One look in the ears and guess what - Full blown Double Ear Infection. So back on antibiotics...AGAIN...UGH UGH UGH - This time, Augementin for 10 days.
One more fastforward to right before thanksgiving. We were all clear again and went on our merry way. We ate lots of yummy food, played, shopped, we were good to go. Until 10 days ago. We woke up to a whiny crying stuffed up, snotty, congested, little 2 year old. I immediately told my husband - It's another ear infection. We propped her up on some pillows and laid with her all night. Of course this was a Saturday night - So we had to take her to urgent care on Sunday. I told the doctor her symptoms and that I thought it was an ear infection. She didn't believe a word I said until she looked in that little ear of hers - FULL BLOWN DOUBLE EAR INFECTION. - 10 Days of OMNICEF.....10 days later - still stuffy, still congested - so I called our CF Team again and they extended her OMNICEF for 10 more days.
In the mean time, We saw a ENT at our local clinic - He immediately wanted to do Tubes, and take out her tonsils and adenoids. The next day. I wanted a second opinion just to verify. Also, the CF clinic where Rylee is seen likes procedures done in their hospital in case of any issues that may arise (totally understandable). So today we are off to the ENT for our second opinion. I am nervous that they too will want to take her large tonsils and adenoids out. I know this is a fairly common surgery, however anytime a little one has to be put under for a procedure it is nerve racking.
Hopefully they can help us find an answer to these ear infections and if it means surgery - it means surgery and we will do anything to stop this cycle of antibiotics that we have needed in the last 3 months.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Book Review – God Loves Me More Than That by Dandi Daley Mackall
I am review a book for blogging for books.
The first thing I always notice in childrens books are the illustrations. This book was illustrated by David Hohn and the pictures are very "real Like" verses being cartoonish. I really think this helps the overall message in the book. Also, the colors used are very calming.
The book discusses the different ways that God loves me. I love the fact that the verses rhyme and each verse ends with "God Loves Me More Then That".
The final thing I look at when reading childrens books are how the children respond to the book. I read this book to 4 children ages 9 months to 4 years. The older child seemed to grasp the message in the book a little more, however the book kept the interest of the two 2 year olds very well with it's short phrases and repetition. The 9 month old really enjoyed the pictures.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Flashback

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
A wordless flashback from last january. Wordless….Messy…Self-explanatory….Love IT!
Stay tuned as tonight marks the beginning of our 25 days of christmas celebration.