My sister, her husband and three kids along with my mom and her boyfriend drove to our house on Friday night. We had a party for Hunter's 6th Birthday. We had pizza for supper and icecream cake. My cousin Jordan stopped up for the party along with my sisters husbands son Zack. It was quite the houseful. We talked, laughed and watched the kiddos having fun! My sisters family and my mom and Rodney stayed the night making for quite the houseful with people sleeping everywhere.

On Saturday morning, my sister and her husband and my mom and Rodney got up and left bright and early for the cities. They were planning on spending the day shopping at the Mall of America and then heading to the Vikings game on Sunday, leaving us with 3 monsters for 2 days!
The kids were far from monsters. We were busy making food and cleaning and setting up for a christmas party we were hosting that night. The older kids played alot on the wii and their nintento ds's but it kept them content for the day.
Now this little stinker......I set out the sugar cookies (thank you Jodee for the recipe! they were perfect and still NO FAIL as even I didn't fail these cookies) and this little stinker kept swiping the gingerbread men. Finally after walking around with his 3rd cookie, I had to place them up so he could no longer reach them. I was running out of gingerbread men. He sure is a cute little stinker though.

Saturday afternoon the house began to fill. We had Rylee's friend Haven and her mom up, friends Abby and Shawn, and of course the Austriems.

The kids had so much fun decorating the sugar cookies. We only let them eat 1 but I have a feeling that ate more then that, as when Brooke and Hunter left yesterday they each only had 2 cookies left! Oh well........lots and lots of sugar every once in a while isn't a bad thing....IS IT?

Austreims brought up Rylee christmas present and let her open it. Ashton had to help her as she wanted to keep placing the big bow over the whole. I have a NO PEEKER on my hands. She loved the dora paper (even though she doesn't really know who dora is thanks to no cable tv) and she absolutely loved the present. They got her a huge set of black and decker toy tools. She has so much fun playing with them. I don't seem to have any pictures, but I'm sure they will appear in the near future!
And after an exhausting night of christmas fun, These two conked out by 9:15 on the air matress on the living room floor. Their dad called at about 9:30 to say goodnight but they were fast asleep. I guess lots of sugar and excitement leads to tired tired tired kids. Their little brother was asleep by 7:00 and guess what.....our little angel was asleep by..oh wait it was still 10:30 before she finally zonked out.

On sunday we spent the majority of the day cleaning, playing the wii, relaxing, studying for Brookes big science test today and keeping the house from becoming totally demolished again. R had such a great time playing with her cousins. Logan will be back in February to stay for a week when the rest of his family ventures to Florida. R. is really looking forward to it.
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