We are very much enjoying the spring weather here. R. loves to play on the deck, or in the garage, or at the park, or in the stroller on a walk, or basically anywhere that involves being outside.
We are gonna get some major spring/summer shopping done this weekend for R. So super excited to get her some capris, spring dresses, skirts, shorts and tees. Oh yes, she is in need of some super cute sandals also. And maybe a swim suit or two as we plan on spending a lot of time at the pool!
I couldn't remember if I had posted a picture of R. in her new pink vest! Well it got here right before Easter and it fits so awesome. She is such a trooper and sits so well for her 30 minute treatments. I love this girl. The pink vest is a different design then the original black one, and is completely machine washable in case of any cases of the pukeys hit our house during treatment time. Of course, the vest wouldn't be near as great without the ipod touch that she plays with during the treatment - She loves her some Taylor Swift - or in her words Taydor? Taydor?

We are continuing to raise money for our Great Strides Walk which takes place on June 5th. I was pleasently suprised this morning when I recieved an email that a highschool friend had donated $100.00 to our team. If you haven't joined our team or donated, expect to see a nice postcard from R. in the mail soon. We are hoping to get them out next week! Only 7 Weeks left until walk day! T-shirt designs are in the process of being drawn up - They will hopefully be done soon - If anyone wants a shirt - they are $15.00 each and I will be ordering them by May 15th so let me know what you want and your size
Sidenote - Jodee - I will send Kamree the shirt you won as soon as we get them in (I haven't forgotten) - Thanks again for the donation and all the nice words!
Well time to do the laundry and clean - Treatments are "all gone" as R. says which really means All Done!
Have a wonderful Weekend!
Enjoy the Weather
And Breathe Easy Everyone!
Hooray for spring! We are enjoying the nice weather too! Have fun shopping!