This year, we are taking a different approach for our little ones Christmas presents. Up until now (which has only been a year) we have been buying Rylee toys. And by toys I mean, walking to the toddler isle at WalMart or Target and picking out whatever looks appealing and fun. Of course, I have always bought her books, but this time around I wanted to buy her something a little more educational, Something that can help with her fine motor skills and muscle development. I figure that she will be getting enough of the other toys from her grandma and grandpa and aunts and uncles and friends.
To start Rylee will be getting a table and chair set from Santa. Many of the activities and "toys" we have picked out and bought are ones that will need to be played with at the table. First off she will be getting this box of mega-blocks. Boy did I hear about this from her dad, as he despises mega-blocks and only likes legos. The lego brand, however, did not have this pretty pink and purple set in the "duplo" size. They only had pink in the regular lego size which is way to small for this girl.

This wooden pounder is another "toy" that she is getting from her mommy and daddy. I was going to have my dear hubby make her one, but when I found this one and saw the price, I knew he could not make it for that price. So we bought it.

This is the only real toy looking toy that she is getting from us. The story behind the tool bench and why my little girly girl is getting a tool bench is because while out at my friend Kristi's, Miss R. found a toy screwdriver and carried it around the entire nine days we were there. Then on Halloween when the A's came over trick or treating, little A was a "worker man" and the minute he walked by R. she swiped the saw out of his tool belt. The A's are getting her a tool box, but when I saw this tool bench, i couldn't pass it up. We also bought one for R's cousin.

And this is the biggie. This is a huge set of bristle blocks. They are the parents brand, and I believe their are 68 or 70 pieces in this set. I also bought her a starter set of just the pieces that has about the same amount of pieces in it. She should be able to build and build and build with this.

We are placing on the wish list a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, a Tag Junior and Tag Junior books, Little People, and wood puzzles.
I am so relieved that I got the majority of the shopping done. Just a few more things to go and some online ordering and we are DONE!
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