It's been a while since a last posted. I have been busy taking pics, attending CF Family day, christmas shopping, cleaning, wrapping presents, buying a new bed, etc. etc. etc!
First off, I set up a make-shift studio in our basement to snap some pics of the girly this winter. It gets soooo cold here, and so the outdoor photo shoots are soon coming to a hault until nicer spring weather apears again.
I wanted to get some of Miss. Sassy in her Christmas Outfits. I love how this one turned out considering what we were working with for photo equipment.
Again, I stole the idea for the legwarmers from Bethany at HissyFits Photography. I love them, and just knew my little glamour girl had to have a pair. Some other little lucky cutey pie might just be getting a pair for Christmas this year.
A totally different subject, but we put Miss R. in a big girl bed. She is such a smart little girl, and has both me and her dad wrapped around her finger. She has completely figured out how to get us to let her sleep in bed with us. So, first we changed the crib to a toddler bed. She slept in the pack and play next to our bed for a while, then we tried the toddler bed again, and still no luck. She was aways waking up by about 12:30 or 1:00 and crying until we brought her into bed with us. So last week, we ordered her a big girl bed. And I mean big girl - It's a queen sized bed. We were thinking a twin bed, but when we checked them out, the queen was the same price, and it is a comfortable we went with it.
We got the bed on Friday and got some bedding for it this past weekend, and wouldn't you know. She slept all night Friday night, she woke up 2 times on Saturday night, however she was very overtired and fell back to sleep after we layed with her for a while, and she slept all night last night.........It's to early to determine if it's a success or not, but it's not a failure as of this point. Hubby and me are really enjoying our bed back - no tossing toddler in the middle. She is all over the place while she sleeps!
We also attended a CF family day program at our local CF clinic. It was very interesting and had some very inspirational speakers one of which is Jerry Cahill from the Boomer Esiason Foundation. He is a 53 year old man living with CF. He was very inspirational and informative. We also got a chance to look at the different vest companies and talk a little bit with them as our little darling will be getting one soon.
And finally, yesterday I did one last outdoor session with a family of four. The two boys I had in daycare and they are both true boys. Dad was one of my fraternity advisors in college, and Mom is one of the personal bankers that we use. The family is so much fun, and I think the pictures are turning out great! These are just a sneak peak at the pictures
This one was such a great picture. We asked the youngest boy to sit on the bridge and he layed down...when we called over the older boy, he instantly posed like this. I told them that they make my job easy as posing and placing the people is one of my weakness at this point. I am working on being more confident and assertive.
And here is a couple of the boys being boys - climbing trees. This park has the best tree climbing trees in town - or I have been told this by all of the kids that I have photographed.

And last but not least, I have been cleaning, wrapping presents, re-evaluating my routine during the week, laundry, organizing and anticipating putting up the christmas tree. I am a firm believer that Christmas can't come until after Thanksgiving, but this year I have been a little weaker in this belief. I keep thinking I will put the tree up, and then decide to clean and prepare a little more, so it might get up before, or maybe after. Either way, it's coming upstairs in the next week!
Phew! That was a long one. Hope you enjoyed the weekend, and Happy Monday!
Adorable pictures! I love, love, love the striped leg warmers!