Rylee and Daddy watching the parade....Or smiling for camera happy mom!

The only decent picture of The big guy and R. She really decided that he wasn't OK after the initial sit down.

And the freak out! The candy cane only helped a little. She still wanted down and out of there!

This afternoon we spent 45 minutes playing at the park. Well about 15 minutes playing at the park and 30 minutes walking to and from the park at a 15 month old speed. She would not let me carry her.
On the way back from the park we walked on the bike trail. At one point you have to walk under the road in a tunnel. Miss obstinant walked through the tunnel and then turned and walked back through and over and over again. I finally had to pick her up and carry her kicking and screaming for a while. When I finally put her down to walk again, she turned to go back to the tunnel. I have a feeling I will be searching for a crawl through tunnel for a little Miss Sassy for Christmas this year!
Once we got home we took a quick swing in her pink swing and now she is busy with a ball. I am amazed at how well she has done considering she had 4 shots this morning at her well baby appointment. I feel so bad for her but after a nap and some yummy food, The shots don't seem to be phasing her! MY LITTLE TROOPER!
Well Happy Monday everyone!
Cute pictures with Santa! We always see Santa at a private Christmas party, which is sooo much better than going to a mall!