I basically forgot all of July and about jumped straight into the end of July/August. Whoops!
July was full of fun activities. But just like June, July sped by. It’s almost August already.
We began with the 4th of July. We stuck close to home and had some great sweltering hot fun at the parade and Uncle Sam Jam (USJ). Rylee loved getting the candy from the parade and jumping in the jumpers at the USJ. She also enjoyed the craft area where she made an awesome flag necklace. Fireworks were also a favorite.

We spent one morning picking strawberries at the strawberry patch.

We also took in Phil Baker, Story Times, and Friday Features at the library. The zoo has also been visited a few times in the past couple of weeks when the temps weren’t too high. We have really enjoyed spending time with friends that come over while their mom works and frequenting “moms club” events. Pool time happened quite often as we had a warm spell with temperatures into the 90’s and heat index’s well over 110. Talk about some hot and humid weather.

Camping was put on the back burner for a while because we decided we could easily sit in the air conditioner at home instead of in the small camper. We are packing up to go camping soon though, so more camping pictures will come soon.
We took a tour of Dairy Queen here in town this past week. Rylee loved seeing all the stuff and especially loved walking in the giant fridges and making her own ice-cream cone.


waiting for the tour to begin

inside the giant walk in fridge

making her ice-cream cone

eating her self-made ice-cream cone
We are in full planning mode for Birthday parties here. We are having a “cousins tie-dye party” for the summer birthdays and also Rylees “friends” party at the end of august.
I will also be taking some senior pictures of my cousin soon so more of that later too.
We have Rylee’s CF appointment tomorrow. Hoping for growth, continued clean cultures, and not too many tears during the blood draw.