Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Guess Who Is TWO?


We had 2 parties for Rylee this year.  No we will not be having the same number of parties as her age every year.  I think we will stick to 2!

We had a friends party last wednesday night where she got this awesome trampoline from one of her friends.  She can now make the most attractive, pretty girl face ever while jumping on her trampoline!


We also hosted a family birthday party on her actual birthday…Saturday.  She was spoiled beyond belief and got many many many wonderful gifts.  Too many to count really and we are so grateful that our little girl is loved so much.  She says thank you for all the amazing presents.  But most of all she says thank you for sharing her special day with her!

More party pictures to come in a few days.  My baby is 2. oh my!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fun with the Boys


The week before school started here in town, life was busy at our house

The 2 afterschool places were closed for cleaning and preparations for the new school year.  That means alot of kids were without care while their mama’s and papa’s worked.

I received a call to watch 2 boys that used to attend the daycare I worked at prior to having Rylee.  Of course we said NO PROBLEM!

So in addition to this little boy…

(who wasn’t too fond of the grass so close to his face)


DSC_1665      We added 2 more 

big boys to our house

      for three days!  






We painted on the




Which seemed to go over pretty well once they figured it out.  They loved checking back to see if their creations were dry or not yet!




We made mini-english muffin-pizza’s.










The boys were not too fond of their pizzas





and we had a picinic at one of the 4 parks we visited during the 3 days.


Lots of Fun…With lots of boys!…. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Flashback Friday

This picture is from when Rylee was3 months old.  It seems like just yesterday we were taking these pictures.


But, it’s not…In fact, tomorrow my baby will be 2 years old.  It’s hard to believe that 2 years have flew by.  My little baby is growing up. 

Some things that makes me so proud of her are…

She takes her enzymes 4 at a time, whole, without applesauce.

She can hold her own nebulizer during her treatments

She can count to 10

She can spell her name back to me

She sits for 30 mins. 2 times a day to do her treatments without complaining other then a little fuss before we hook her up.

She helps feed Miles his bottle.

She can do an 8 piece puzzle.

She is talking more every day

And while all of this makes me soooo happy that she is growing up and learning and absorbing things, it makes me sad.  Tomorrow she will be two.  For two years she has been living with Cystic Fibrosis.  She has been living with a life shortening disease that does not have a cure.  She spent 1 hour every day for 2 years doing treatments.  2 years of taking enzymes with everything she eats.  2 years of taking vitamins, miralax, allergy meds, acid reflux meds, and antibiotics.

she has spent 2 winters secluded to our house so that she does not get exposed to the nasty germs of the flu, colds, or any other illnesses.  She has spent 2 summers running like crazy in hopes of soaking in as much sun and summer fun as we can get into 3 short months.

I can only hope that for her birthday someday she gets the wish we all hope for for her.  The wish that she will someday be asking for as she blows out her candles on her cake with her CF lungs.  The wish for a cure. The wish that all people – both children and adults – that are living with CF will be able to breathe easy, to enjoy every minute of the year, to not be stuck inside during cold and flu season, to not be sick, to not have to worry.

To not have to worry about tomorrow.

To not have to worry.

On my babies 2nd birthday, while she is blowing out her candles, eating her cake, and opening her presents with friends and family, pray with us that someday, on the 28th of August, that she will be able to blow out her candles without CF and that she will have gotten her wish and my wish.  No more CF.

Thank you so much and HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLEE

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Taking a little break


We are taking a little bloggy break as we get ready for the big events.  We have 2 parties to get ready for so we will be a little busy. 

We will be back and at them next week with party pictures! 



Monday, August 23, 2010


My baby girl turns


on Saturday.

I can’t believe it.

This is last year during her party. She was not found of the cake


But She loved the Cake Pops


Two………Can you believe it?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Flashback Friday

This is my peanut at about the chubbiest she has ever looked  Look at those chubby cheeks and the double chin.


Oh my Rylee – How much I love you!  This was almost a year ago.  She had just learned to walk and oooh how much I miss my baby – She will be 2 in a week and a half.  Time flies by so fast when you are a mommy!  Make it stand still.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Favorite Art :)


We have found a new favorite past time.  I have always always always loved drawing on the sidewalk.  I really hope that Rylee will pick up on that love for art too.  While surfing through some fellow blogs I found a great recipe to make sidewalk paint.


Of course, now I can’t remember where I found the recipe, but it’s out there all over the web.  It is so simple and so much fun.


Basically you put in equal parts of corn starch and water and mix it up!  That’s it.  Add some food coloring and you have bright fun sidewalk paint.  The first batch I made was fairly goopy – or ooblecky! So the second time I made it, we added a little more water – It was perfect.  Wonderful chalky colors appeared when the stuff dried.


I was worried about the paint staining Rylee’s clothes so I did put her in some old play clothes for the activity.  She absolutely loved it.


And so does her mommy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Terry Redlin Event & Concert


The vogels and us went to the Terry Redlin Event and Concerts a couple of weekends ago.  They had various activities during the day – Phil Baker, stories with arthur, and face painting.  The big event of the evening was the concerts.  Black Hawk, Little Texas and Restless Heart.  They concerts lasted from 7:45pm until about 10:30 and then there was a fireworks show after.  And the best part of all………It was all FREE!  Truely Amazing.


Here’s a look at the amount of people at the concert.  When we got to the area, there was just random chairs scattered throughout the greens.  We left our chairs and went to Ton ‘o Fun after Phil Baker because it was soooooo hot and humid out and when we came back there was nearly 50,000 people in attendance.  All sitting in their camping chairs waiting for the concert.




Here was our little area.  The kids played in the landscaping right next to our area and danced the night away with their cat tails they collected.






And finally a picture of the crazy glow sticks they handed out to us.  They were pink and they were all over the place.  Of course I just accidentally snapped this picture without the flash so it showed up wacky.  Also no editing on any of the pictures because I just don’t have the time to mess around in Photoshop this week other then for my clients!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Little Stud


Last night I had the chance to try and get this little man to smile at my camera.  And boy, did it take some convincing!  But  I think we got some  good ones and even some with a few smiles.

I was trying out some  different looks with my editing so these have a little different feel then my normal  pictures.





Thank you so much Sarah!  I hope you like this sneak peak.  It was so nice to meet your family and to take pictures for you!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010



Here are some more snaps of the little mr. moo.  He is a little joy to be around!



Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Swing Set


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Painting Outside

Rylee is in love with anything artsy or crafty.  She loves to stick stickers on paper, paint, color, draw, cut with scissors, glue, play with play-doh and anything else involving art supplies.


Last week we decided to try painting outside.  I pinned a piece of paper to a box and let her go at it.  She loved every moment of it.  We have no spill paint cups from discount school supplies and matching paint brushes.  We also use crayola kids paint as it is the best paint out there!  So easy to clean up and never stains.




I am usually very stingent about keeping the right paint brush in the right cup and not letting her mix the colors in the paint cups.  However on this day, we let loose.  I opened all the cups and let her go.  She had so much fun, and I must say she did fairly well at keeping the colors seperate.

Over the summer I realized we hadn’t done many crafty/arty projects other then just coloring and drawing.  We are trying to change that in preparation for the long winter that is to come.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun at the Park

Last week we spent some time at the park.  It had cooled down and we were able to get outside a little.  These are just snap shots from our point and shoot camera Nothing Fancy. Just Rylee having fun!


Rylee kept trying to go up the slide.  It didn’t work so well for her.  She never made it very far.


This bouncy springy thingy was her favorite.  She love to climb on it and make it rock.



She also like the whale rocker and the slide (even while going on it the correct way).


She also loved to jump off the ledge and back onto it.  She is getting really good at jumping and it amazes me how well she does it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Beach


Or as close to the beach as we will get any time soon.  Here are some pictures from our family reunion.  We held it at a “resort” off of the river.  Again, as close to a resort as we are going to get.  It was so humid where are cabins were so we ventured down to the beach to play.  The water was beautiful and so was the sand.  Rylee loved playing in it.  I think it’s one of the first time she’s played in real sand.  We have a sand table but it has play sand from a bag in it and it’s blue.  So not real sand.  But she really did enjoy the time outside at the river.

Anways, enough rambling.  We were at the beach with my sister and her kids so here are the pictures from the beach.

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