Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Fever!

I really Feel that we haven’t done a thing lately.  We have, but I have no documentation/photos of anything hardly, let alone have I removed the pictures from my memory card and placed the pictures that I do have onto my computer.  It’s just been one of those weeks months. 

Last week we were recovering from our time with the L. man so we didn’t get a whole lot done in terms of tot time.  We did some puzzles, some pipecleaner/sugar shaker activities, and some coloring.  We also played outside a bit, went on some walks, and relaxed.

During the weekend, we finished the flooring in the basement so now all goals have been to move/rearrange our living spaces.  The downstairs is going to be made into a playroom for R.  Starting in June, we will be having a little boy come over for a couple of days each week so we will also play down there when he is here.  My hopes is to play downstairs during the day, everyday – other then when we are outdoors, and play upstairs in the evenings with dear hubby gets home. 

So this week hasn’t been off to much a better start in terms of tot time.  First excuse goes to the gloomy/dreary/cloudy weather we have been having.  It’s just depressing to not have any sun.  Second excuse goes to the rearranging that is happening and finally the last excuse is the mildly busy schedule that we have.  This week I have a meeting, a doctors appt for R. and a phone conference call.  UGH! 

But I must say that these really aren’t any good excuses for not doing much with the tot time.  We have been doing puzzles like crazy – I just bought R. 6 new Melissa and Doug Puzzles on sale but she won’t be getting them until she gets her vest which is hopefully this week – or else she’ll get them for Easter.  We have also dot painted, played with her Mr. Potato Heads, played with her stacking/nesting blocks and read lots of books!  Yesterday alone I think I read fidgety fish 25 times.  She was loving it!

Today we will continue with the puzzles – I am so impressed that she can do a 7 piece puzzle! – read some more, play, and hopefully get outdoors.  I have to meet with some great girls this week about helping raise money/join us for the Great Strides walk so I will also be coming up with a little presentation to give to them at the meeting, along with some possible fundraisers to do.

And so the rest of the week will come and go and again I will probably feel as though we havent done much.  I think a big part of the problem was that we were doing each of the separate colors – 1 color/week and it was getting sort of monotonous.  R. also wasn’t getting much out of it other then repeating the color names when I would say them and exposure to the colors.  She could sometimes identify the color I asked her to on flashcards but I was beginning to think even that was luck.  So I think we are going to take a break from colors in that format and maybe try something else.  Not sure what yet! 

Well that was a very random rant about random stuff.  If you made it to the end – you’re awesome! 

Pray for some sun to be sent our way and for a possible vest to come to R.  Hopefully our appointment goes good and R. has grown and is in good standing – Also pray for no bacteria in her culture!

Well happy Tuesday everyone and Happy Green Day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are keeping busy! My kids love puzzles too.

    Spring hasn't quite arrived here yet either. The cool and gloomy weather is making me crazy!

    Hope you have a great week!
