Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wonderful Wonderful Sunshine

With the crazy beautiful days we have had here lately, I haven't had much time to edit the pictures let alone move them from my memory card to my computer, so therefore again no pictures. Sad. I promise, since tomorrow is suppose to be cloudy and yucky, that I will get them uploaded.

The weather has been amazing. I love pants and sweatshirt weather. The weather where you can go outside in just jeans and a sweatshirt and not be cold but not sweat. The weather where when you go on a walk in the formentioned attire, you don't sweat much but can still get a fairly brisk walking pace going. I love love love it!

The last two days have been just that. And we took total advantage of it on Wednesday. We met up with some friends for a stroller group walk. We took our time and walked about 3 miles and gabbed and gossiped and talked about the stars - well we talked about how one of the walkers with us met "NANA" from the Hills TV show on MTV - Spencers Grandma that is. Hahaha. It was hilarious. The walk was so much fun and great to be outside and among great friends. The kiddos' also loved it. R. very much enjoyed visiting with H. and N. I have a feeling this group is going to have a lot of fun this spring and summer.

After the walk, we headed out to the Pizza Ranch for some lunch - I know, we go get our excercise and then head to eat Pizza. Nice huh. Well, it's better then the alternative - McDonalds. And I did only have 2 breadsticks and a big plate of salad (of course slathered in thousand island & cheese and with a nice helping of cottage cheese and macaroni salad on the side) OOPS. We did have fairly good intentions.

We then made our way back to N's house where the kiddos played and played and played - all afternoon. N. managed to sleep during the walk and again in the afternoon (he is only 9 months old, so two naps is a must). H. fell asleep around 4 pm. and my little precious R. decided that it was too much fun playing with N's toys so she skipped her nap all together. Little stinker. She was deffinately pooped after the day.

And then for today - our 2nd beautiful day and we spent it at the Castle (now doesn't that just sound fun?) Well it would be extremely fun if it was a castle with real princesses and fairies and all that jazz. But this is the Castle of Care and this is the home of the childrens hospital and childrens specialty clinics where R. is seen for her CF care and check-ups. But on a positive note, It was an overall great appointment. R. has gained 2 pounds in the past 3 months and shot up about 2.5 inches. She's getting tall.

The doctors were pretty happy with her progress and were very happy that we still have no cough/illnesses going around our house. YAY. We talked alot about what we should be doing for drinks/food/meals and how many enzymes she needs with each meal and snack. We also talked about her treatments. It was discussed what the doctors protocol was for starting the mucous thinning nebbulized treatments and if R. would benefit from them right now and we determined that it was not neccessary at this time.

And the great news from this appointment was - R. IS GETTING A VEST! and not only any vest - a hot pink vest! We are so excited. As long as insurance is on board and all checks out, the vest should be shipped early next week. This means no more manual pounding(performing CPT) on R. She will just be able to put on the vest and shake away. If you are wondering what the vest is and how it works, just take a jaunt over to you tube and search for CF vest kids and watch them go. It really Shakes them up.

So hopefully by this time next week we will be sitting here shaking away.

And one other great thing about today - Our new recliners were delivered. They are very comfy and as I sit her typing in one of them right now, I am just happy as can be. Now to rearrange a little more and clean and yada, yada, yada.....Good thing tomorrow is going to be cloudy and dreary so I can do a little work inside.

So I promise, tomorrow will be a little more vibrant with some adorable pictures of R. (I can say that right - because I think she's adorable and she is my daughter). I have high hopes that SPRING IS HERE - and hopefully it stays around for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are enjoying the nice weather! Hope you have a great weekend!
