Friday, July 23, 2010

Touch – A – Truck

Our local library hosts the summer reading program every summer from June thru the end of July. The participants collect library loot for reading 100 minutes each week and also for participating in different events & completing specific tasks. In the beginning of August they have the “library Store” where the kids can spend their library loot.

Rylee participated in this again this summer. One of the events that they host is the Transportation Fair aka Touch a truck.

We decided to check it out and Rylee very much enjoyed climbing on the the trucks. We had to hurry to get there so she had breakfast on the run and in most of the pictures is either holding a poptart or has poptart smeared across her face.


Rylee with the firetruck

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By the payloader and in the bucket of the loader.

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By the tree chipper/wood chipper machine.


Dancing in the parking lot.


In another big truck

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Ella and Sydney decided they would take Rylee under their wings and take her into the trucks. Here they were asking her which one she wanted to go to next.


They also had a cop car which Rylee got to sit and pretend to drive.

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Back to the fire truck to sit inside of it.


And finally the Garbage Truck. Not my favorite truck of the day in terms of sanitization, but you know. Let the girl be a kiddo!


1 comment:

  1. CUTE new blog friend! Where is it from? And how do you get fun fonts??? LOVE THE NEW PIX too!!!! She is growing up so much and could not be CUTER!!!!
