Monday, March 8, 2010

Crazy Times

It appears that I forgot to post even a little Hi last week. We were sort of having the crazies around here.

Cousin L. left on Monday.

I had prepared all of the tot time materials for the week – the color Purple – and set them out on the shelf. They are still sitting there as we speak. R. did play with the purple play-doh a little and the pipe cleaner/sugar shaker activity. Other then that, everything was untouched.

Why you may ask? Like I said, we have had the crazies around here. After L. left, we began to clean and relax a little – maybe a little too much. We also had some warmer weather ~ if you can call the 30’s warmer ~ so we spent a lot of time outside playing.

And then…..On Friday, hubby’s brother and his girlfriend came for a visit. So we visited and played with R for the weekend. No real big excuses for not posting, more just relaxing and catching up and cleaning, and just being crazy! The CRAZIES were here, but I think they are on their way out!

We are going to keep out the color purple this week, however we will throw in the color yellow. This keeps us on track and we will do Rainbow and review the colors during St. Patrick's Day. I know, St. Patrick's Day should be about green, but leprechauns and Rainbows, and gold all go together…..And we did Green way at the beginning – I think it was our 3rd Color! OOPS. Bad planning on my part. So hopefully Friday or Saturday will bring a better post about Tot-Time.

And as for the rest of this week, Well It’s suppose to be warmer but rainy so we should be inside most days. I will be cleaning like crazy – Spring Cleaning Time and I am ready to go through everything. We will also be getting our new recliners and finishing our floor in the basement. Then comes moving the toys, so we should be pretty busy I guess!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Week!


  1. Sometimes you need some down time to work the crazies out. The weather here is in the 40's, but it is foggy and rainy. Take care.

  2. I can relate to the craziness! Our spring is going to be super crazy!

    Happy Spring Cleaning!
