Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25 - Innocence


We had a busy day today.  We had story time at the library this morning, ran home for a quick lunch and rest and headed out to the children’s museum for the afternoon.

I am always amazed by watching the innocence in these little girls as they play at the museum.  They just run and pretend, and imagine, and create and just flat out enjoy every minute that they are there. 

We have been going at least once a week since the museum opened with a few weeks skipped for major events like holidays, surgery, etc.  I really expected the girls to get bored with it, as they only have one changing exhibit and most of the time that one is filled with artwork.

Yet, they don’t get bored.  They don’t complain.  They get overly excited when I tell them that we are heading to the museum.  They run around with smiles on.  They are just plain happy.


Rylee was pretending to play the recorder, or trumpet, or kazoo, or anything that makes a noise.  She is always pretending to play some sort of instrument these days….Maybe I have a future musician on my hands.  Regardless, I love the determination and emotion that she puts into the pretend play.

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And speaking of determination, this little girl was full of it.  She was attempting to place a piece of Velcro on the corresponding strip to measure how high she could jump.  She didn’t quite get the “jumping” aspect, however she reached as high as she could on her tippy toes and stuck it to the strip.  I love this picture. It’s one of the first “mirror images” that I have been satisfied with.

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