Sunday, September 13, 2009


So this morning while I was working so dilligently at making my daughter some pretty pink and white korkers to go with her new SDSU sweatshirt and skirt, I hear in the background the alphabet magnets on the fridge singing the ABC's. All of the sudden a little girl chimes in with ahh bahh dahh haah, baby babble but awefully close to the ABC's! She is so funny and must be part genius (of course that's accroding to her maybe a little too much biased mommy!). It was adorable and she just loves to push the music button and listen to the alphabet song.
And here are the pictures from the A's photo shoot! I took the two kiddos by myself while their mommy and daddy went on a date night! I left my little charmer at home with her daddy. On the way to the park I asked if they were going to smile nice and I got tons of Yeppers! And they did. Ash is just a little model when it comes to taking pictures. She is full of sass and poses. She was just constantly asking if we could take a picture here, and How's this look?
A on the other hand is quite the lady's man but hates to look at the camera for any amount of time. I don't know how many pictures I have with his eyes looking off to the side or outerspace. He is total boy though and found a stick that he sure wasn't going to leave behind!
They both did awesome though, and I love what we got from the shoot!
Ash in her model pose!
The pictures of Aidan in the trees were so much fun to take. Although he is all boy, he kept looking at me like, why am I up here. As frightened as he was, as soon as the camera came out a big cheesy grin was put on!
They are so adorable. This family sure does hold a special place in my heart!
This is one of the first ones we took. It turned out good although A was having some issues with the sun I believe.
And one of my favorites here. They both look so sweet and really smiled nicely!

I have a ton more but decided to only post a select few. The kiddos were awesome and I will deffinately be shooting some more of them in the near future.
I have a shoot with little princesses tonight! Hopefully it goes just as well. Their mom will be with which is a first for me. Right now I have been working on upping my portfolio so the only other person around while I shoot is usually my Havens mom whom which I am super comfortable around. It will be very interesting and hopefully all goes well! I hope to get some awesome shots of the three! I will be posting them soon!
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and we will visit again tomorrow!

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