Friday, October 2, 2009

Relax and Replenish

Yay for Friday. Happy TGIF everyone. I still can't believe how much I truely enjoy the weekends even though I'm home all week. It just seems that having R's dad around makes everything a little bit easier and more relaxing.

We don't have much planned this weekend except for laundry, some simple projects and sleeping and relaxing. I have a busy week next week, so I do need to prepare a little for the week and next weekend however.

My dad is coming down for a meeting for work, so he will be here overnight again. I am also suppose to have a meeting with a Hockey Team about the fundraiser that they are doing for CF. We are very excited that they are willing to do this fundraiser. However, with all the preparations for being gone for the first time over the weekend and my dad visiting, I'm not sure if I can make it to the meeting. It was so nice of them to invite me to come, however my friend may have to tackle this one herself. I hate to spread myself to thin and then not be able to enjoy my weekend away. We will see what the week brings though.

I am really beginning to think about some easy projects that I can do to get a little more organized around here. We have bills, medical bills, appointments, etc. on top of all of our other every day clutter. If anyone has any great ideas, let me know.

We might venture out to the pumpkin patch later this weekend to see if it is not so muddy. It has been raining here or drizzly all week so I'm doubting it will be good pumpkin pickin whether but I would really love to get just a few more pumpkins.

On a positive not on the excercising - I hopped back on the elliptical again, even though it was rainy and yucky out and I could have layed down with Rylee during her nap. I rode it and felt way better after doing it. We will see what today brings, but I'm hoping I can continue to push through the first couple of weeks and get into a routine with this.

Well this post was very random, and not much interesting things in it. I have lots of little things going through my mind about shopping, fundraising, organization, and paying bills. I should sort through my thoughts a little.

Well TGIF everyone. I hope this weekend is relaxing for all and we can start the week Replenished! Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Always, Breathe Easy!

1 comment:

  1. We all have cute clipboards for organizing our papers. If you send me an e-mail through my profile, I can send you the link to a picture of them. The kids also have Pottery Barn Kids buckets for their shoes and other misc. items in our mud area.

    Hope you have a great weekend!
